
Showing posts from 2016

Main causes of Out-Of-Memory Errors

Main causes of Out-Of-Memory Errors When there is no enough space to create a new object in heap JVM through a Out-of-memory errors before giving this error JVM surly runs garbage collector once to check for available memory which can be freed .The main causes for this error can be. It is possible that you have estimate less memory for your application for example your application need 2 Gb of memory but you have configured only 512 Mb so here you will get an OOME(Out-of-memory errors )  1.Due to Memoryleak :- Memory leak is responsible for decreasing the available memory for heap and can lead to out of memory error for more read What is a Memory Leak in java?  2.Memory fragmentation :- It is possible that there may be space in heap but it may be not contiguous . And heap needs compaction . Rearrange its memory. 3.Excess GC overhead :- Some JVM implementations, such as the Oracle HotSpot, will throw an out-of-memory error when GC overhead becomes too great. This...


The  web_set_max_html_param_len  function sets the maximum length of any HTML string which VuGen can retrieve and save in a parameter. The default value for the maximum length of a parameter that can be captured during correlation is 256 characters. To retrieve a string longer than 256 characters, use  web_set_max_html_param_len  to increase the maximum valid length. An attempt to save a string whose length exceeds the maximum length will fail

Network virtualisation in Tru-client Protocol

Here is step by step procedure for network virtualisation in truclient protocol

Lr_set_debug_message Function In Loadrunner With Examples

Lr_set_debug_message – One of my favourite lr function in load runner. It is mainly useful when we are unable to find correlation value in a particular request. We usually use  Extended log -> Data Returned by Server  in Run-time Settings to get all the response in replay log. Sometimes the vugen will crash or becomes slow as the vugen is writing all the response to replay log. Extended Log in Run-time Settings If it crashes or taking long time to execute the script then it’s better to use lr_set_debug_message instead of using  Data Returned by Server . In the following example we have added data returned by server only to particular request. Example:   lr_set_debug_message   ( LR_MSG_CLASS_EXTENDED_LOG   |   LR_MSG_CLASS_FULL_TRACE ,   LR_SWITCH_ON );          web_ url ( "Bing" ,          " URL = " ,      ...

Deep Description on Runlogic

Types of Action files Vuser_init Action Vuser_end Vuser_init This is the first action that is executed by the vuser and it comes under the  init  section of the script. It is executed only once in the life cycle of a vuser. By life cycle we mean the time between the start and the stop of a vuser. Even if the vuser has multiple iterations to execute, the set of steps incorporated within this action file is executed only once. We cannot disable/delete vuser_init. Even if it does not contain any steps to execute, it has to be present. We can put those steps in vuser_init that need to be executed only once. E.g. a script that logs in the same user to an application and performs certain tasks, since the same user is logging in every time, login steps can be put in vuser_init. But it also depends on the business requirement whether we should include launch and login in vuser_init. If launch and login is to be observed for its performance then including them in vuser_i...

Error -27492: "HttpSendRequest" failed, Windows error code=12057 (certificate revoked) and retry limit (0) exceeded for URL="

This error occurs when using WinInet replay instead of sockets with Integrated Authentication enabled in run-time settings. The purpose of this was to allow vusers to use SSO with SPNEGO authentication in an IBM WebSEAL environment. After spending some time with the mystical HP level 3 support, they identified an undocumented flag which helps out significantly in this. So, instead of using the WinInet replay engine (which is not encouraged by HP) you should do something similar to the following. vuser_init() {             // Preferred run-time settings             // Browser -> Browser Emulation        // [ ] Simulate a new user on each iteration        // Preferences -> Options        // Enable Integration Authentication [Yes]     ...


Check Points: To validate the data on a web page use the below 2 types of check points in LOAD RUNNER script. 1.        Text Check Point 2.        Image Check Point Text Check Point : To validate the text on a web page, we use the below type of text check points. i)                     web_reg_find( ) : It verifies the given text on a web page and it returns the count of the given text using a SaveCount argument. Syntax:          Web_reg_find(“Text=Username”, “SaveCount=Test1”, LAST); Web_url(“…………………………………………..                         …………………………………………                  ...

Writing data in to a file

Char * file1="c://documentd//t1.txt";  // declaring the file path long f1; f1=fopen(file1, "a");  // opening the file in apend mode fprintf(f1,"stored value is:%d", lr_eval_string("{param}"));  // writing data in to the file fclose(f1);  // close the file

Lr Advance Param Function In Loadrunner With Example

This function is not recorded during recording. We manually insert this function whenever there is a need of it. lr_advance_param works depends upon the settings we give in parameter list (ctrl+L). lr_advance_param is like update value on each occurrence. Whenever we want to update a parameter value in the same iteration we use lr_advance_param. For example when we want to use two parameters Google and Bing in one Iteration. Usually the Vugen takes the first value google and if we want to use the second value in the same iteration we use  update value on each occurrence  in the parameter settings. We can do the same using lr_advance_param function. Example: I have set following settings in Parameter Select Next Row:  Sequential Update value on:  Each Iteration If we want to take the next value in the pramater list we use lr_advance_param as shown below. Parameter Name:  DomainName Google Bing Yahoo Ask Vugen S...

Working with web services Protocol

Web Services: Web Services in loadrunner: We can do web services scripting in two ways: 1.        By using Web Services Protocol. (Need additional License) 2.        By using Web Protocol. Scripting Using Web Services Protocol: I have taken weather web service as example shown in this   link. Steps: 1.        First open the vugen and select Web Services protocol. 2.        Click on Manage Services on top nav bar and Click on Import and give the WSDL URL which is usually ends with wsdl Now Click on Add Web Service Call on top nav bar. Give the Input Arguments and Leave the out put arguments empty. And click on ok. As shown in the following image. It will create a script in loadrunner as shown below. You can perform the steps one by one in this way for all the web services ste...