
Showing posts from November, 2016

Main causes of Out-Of-Memory Errors

Main causes of Out-Of-Memory Errors When there is no enough space to create a new object in heap JVM through a Out-of-memory errors before giving this error JVM surly runs garbage collector once to check for available memory which can be freed .The main causes for this error can be. It is possible that you have estimate less memory for your application for example your application need 2 Gb of memory but you have configured only 512 Mb so here you will get an OOME(Out-of-memory errors )  1.Due to Memoryleak :- Memory leak is responsible for decreasing the available memory for heap and can lead to out of memory error for more read What is a Memory Leak in java?  2.Memory fragmentation :- It is possible that there may be space in heap but it may be not contiguous . And heap needs compaction . Rearrange its memory. 3.Excess GC overhead :- Some JVM implementations, such as the Oracle HotSpot, will throw an out-of-memory error when GC overhead becomes too great. This...